
Dr. Denys Meshkov

Institut für Elektrische Energiesysteme (IESY)
Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, Gebäude 10, Raum 353A
  • 1997-2002: Studium an der NTU „KhPI“, Charkiw, Ukraine
  • 2002-2003: Praktikum bei der Firma Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart
  • 2003-2006: PhD Student an der NTU „KhPI“
  • 2004-2006: Studium an der Fortbildungsinstitut: Fach der geistiges Eigentum
  • 2010: Promotion der Dissertation: Development electronically controlled fuel delivery system for the autotractor diesel engine with the linear piezoelectric converter
  • 2010-2022: Lehre am Lehrstuhl für Motoren und Hybridkraftwerke
  • 2017-2022: Leiter des Deutschen Ausbildungszentrums an der NTU "KhPI"
  • Hybridantrieb
  • Forschung zu alternativen Kraftstoffen
  • Steuersysteme für Dieselmotoren
  • Kraftstoffsysteme für Dieselmotoren
  • Diesel-Arbeitsprozess


Andriy Marchenko, Igor Parsadanov, Volodymyr Pylyov, Oleksandr Osetrov, Linkov Oleh, Serhii Kravchenko, Oleksandr Trynov, Denys Meshkov, Serhii Bilyk, Anatolii Savchenko, Inna Rykova and Rasoul Aryan

Research and Innovation to Improve the Efficiency of Modern Diesel Engines

Submitted: Published: May 23rd, 2022,

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.102759



Denys Meshkov. Development electronically controlled fuel delivery system for the autotractor diesel engine with the linear piezoelectric converter.

- Manuscript. 2010, NTU KhPI, Kharkiv, Ukraine, автореф. дис. канд. техн. наук : 05.05.03 / Мешков Денис Вікторович ; Нац. техн. ун-т "Харк. політехн. ін-т". - Х., 2010. - 20 с. : рис., табл.



Koval Vitalii, Lavrinenko Vyacheslav, Meshkov Denys, Marchenko Andrii, Khorunzhy Volodymyr

Patent Ukraine 9799 Fuel Injector u200503134

17.10.2005 F02M51/06, F02M47/00, F02N2/00, H01L41/09

NTUU "KPI", Patent and Licensing Department 37 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv-56, 03056, Ukraine

Kyiv Polytechnical Institute" National Technical University of Ukraine (UA)


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Denys Meshkov, Kostyantyn Korytchenko, Irina Varshamova, Dmytry Dubinin, Roman Kovalenko, Sergii Nazarenko

Experimental and numerical studies of pressure and gap length effects on energy deposition in spark discharge

In: Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2021, №1. Series: Plasma Physics (27), ISSN 1562-6016. S. 92-97.


Denys Meshkov, Kostyantyn Korytchenko, Roman Tomashevskiy, Irina Varshamova, Dmytro Samoilenko

Numerical investigation of energy deposition in spark discharge in adiabatically and isothermally compressed nitrogen

In: Japanese Journal of Applied PhysicsVolume 59Number SH, IOP Publishing, 2020/3/5


Denys Meshkov, Andrey Prokhorenko, Dmytro Samoilenko, Anatolii Savchenko

Determination of the air excess factor in diesel engine fueled by water fuel emulsion

In: Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Pojazdów, 5/2017, S.35-43


Denys Meshkov, Dmytro Samoilenko, Andrey Prokhorenko

Perspectives of using a linear piezoelectric converter in a fuel injection system of Common Rail

In: Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Pojazdów, 5-109/2016, S.69-76


Andrey Prokhorenko, Denys Meshkov, Dmytro Samoilenko

Choice of the main design parameters in electro-hydraulic injector of diesel engine.

Aircraft engineering and technology. – Kharkov: National aerospace university “KhAI”,  2011. -  Vol.10/87.


Denys Meshkov, Dmytro Samoilenko, Andrey Prokhorenko

Mathematical model of the fuel feed process by the system of Common Rail with the piezoelectric injector

In: Вісті Автомобільно-дорожнього інституту: науково-виробничий збірник. – АДІ ДонНТУ. – Горлівка, 2009. – № 1 (8). S.6-12


Denys Meshkov, Andrey Prokhorenko, Andrey Marchenko

Mathematical modeling of processes in the electro-hydraulic nozzle of the CR system in the MATLAB/Simulink environments

In: - Двигуни внутрішнього згоряння, 2006, S.98-101

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