Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Wolter
Es wurde keine Person definiert.
- Modeling of the electrical energy supply systems
- Development of network planning and network management concepts
- Grid state identification
- Integration of Renewable Energies
- Energy storage
- Transmission assets and transmission technology
- Zur Bewältigung der bevorstehenden Herausforderungen ist die Analyse und Optimierung der Interaktion zwischen den Akteuren im Energieversorgungsnetz sowie die geeignete Modellierung des "Interaktionsmediums Stromnetz" unerlässlich. Durch diese grundlegende Methoden-, Modell- und Verfahrensentwicklung lässt sich das erforderliche, bessere Verständnis der stationären, quasistationären und dynamischen Vorgänge im Gesamtsystem erwerben, aus dem schlussendlich die Ableitung optimierter Konzepte für Netzplanung und -führung erfolgt.
- Der Bedarf an diesen neuen Konzepten ergibt sich u. a. aus der Notwendigkeit, mehr und mehr erneuerbare und dezentrale Erzeuger sowie Speicher sinnvoll in das Gesamtsystem zu integrieren. Hierfür ist es erforderlich, das jeweilige Betriebsverhalten der Anlage, dessen Vor- und Nachteile sowie die sich daraus ergebenden Potentiale und Risiken für das Netz näher zu analysieren. Darauf aufbauend werden am Lehrstuhl Konzepte für eine technisch und ökonomisch sinnvolle Integration dieser Anlagen in neue oder bestehende Prozesse der Netzbetreiber im Rahmen des Energiemanagements entwickelt. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auch auf der Modellierung, der Diagnose und der Integration von Brennstoffzellensystemen.
- Aufgrund ihrer geringen Leistung werden die meisten dieser Anlagen in den unteren Spannungsebenen angeschlossen, die messtechnisch nicht vollständig erfasst sind. Mittlerweile führen die zu transportierenden Energiemengen zu Grenzwertverletzungen, welche aufgrund der fehlenden Information vom Netzbetreiber nicht behoben werden können. Deshalb werden am LENA geeignete Methoden zur Netzzustandsidentifikation entwickelt, die sowohl technische Unschärfe als auch ökonomischen Aufwand berücksichtigen.
- Bei der Modellierung und Optimierung des Elektroenergiesystems spielen das Übertragungsmedium (Freileitung, Kabel, GIL,..) und die Übertragungstechnik (Drehstrom, HGÜ, ) eine wesentliche Rolle. Aus diesem Grund wird am Lehrstuhl das Betriebsverhalten dieser Technologien im Hinblick auf den Einsatz im Energieversorgungssystem untersucht und verbessert.
A time-step based steam accumulator simulation to define the optimal storage capacity
Maletz, Maja; Wolter, Martin; Sauerhering, Joerg
In: PESS 2023 – IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit - Berlin : VDE Verlag . - 2024, S. 25-29
Peer-reviewed journal article
High-frequency current transformer with variable air gap for power cable monitoring
Fritsch, Martin; Wolter, Martin
In: IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY : IEEE, Bd. 73 (2024), insges. 10 S.
Optimiertes Lademanagement von E-Kfz zur Spannungsstabilisierung im Niederspannungsnetz
Helm, Sebastian; Wolter, Martin
In: Barleben: docupoint GmbH, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2024, 1 Online-Ressource (XII, 154 Seiten, 4,78 MB) - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 100) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 142-147; Redaktionsschluss: Juli 2024][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 142-147; Redaktionsschluss: Juli 2024]
Towards Digital Tomosynthesis-Guided Bronchoscopy Interventions
Saad, Fatima; Wolter, Martin; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2024, 1 Online-Ressource (xxiv, 160 Seiten, 120,81 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 145-160][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 145-160]
Measurement of partial discharges on power cables - a step towards successful online monitoring
Fritsch, Martin; Wolter, Martin
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2024, 1 Online-Ressource (XVII, 107 Seiten, 48,46 MB) - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 98) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 101-107; Redaktionsschluss: April 2024][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 101-107; Redaktionsschluss: April 2024]
Book chapter
Extra long distance ultra high voltage direct current
Glende, Eric; Wolter, Martin
In: Konferenz: IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference, iSPEC, Perth, Australia, 04-07 December 2022, 2022 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE . - 2023, insges. 5 S.
Concept of a split-core HFCT with air gap control for partial discharge measurements
Fritsch, Martin; Wolter, Martin
In: 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) , 2023 - [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE, insges. 5 S. [Tagung: 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Orlando, FL, USA, 16-20 July 2023]
Determination of the optimal air gap of an HFCT
Fritsch, Martin; Wolter, Martin
In: 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT) - [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE, insges. 5 S.
Peer-reviewed journal article
Saturation of high-frequency current transformers - challenges and solutions
Fritsch, Martin; Wolter, Martin
In: IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY : IEEE, Bd. 72 (2023), insges. 10 S.
Entwurf eines Testbetts für Assistenzsysteme in der Netz- und Systemführung
Könneke, Nicola; Wolter, Martin; Schegner, Peter
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2023, 1 Online-Ressource (XIII, 86 Seiten, 5,32 MB) - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 95) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 76-80]
23. Dresdener Kreis Elektroenergieversorgung - Begleitband zum Workshop 2022 in Magdeburg : [15. bis 16. März 2022]
Lindemann, Andreas; Wolter, Martin; Rose, Georg; Vick, Ralf
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, 2023, 1 Online-Ressource (1, iv, 47 Seiten, 19,74 MB) - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 96) Kongress: Dresdener Kreis Elektroenergieversorgung 23 Magdeburg 2022.03.15-16[Redaktionsschluss: Juni 2023]
Book chapter
Analysis and modeling of DFIG-based wind turbines with variable frequency regulation capability
Woldu, Tahaguas A.; Wolter, Martin
In: Konferenz: 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13-15 September 2022, 2022 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2022, insges. 6 S.
Approximation of nose curves with conic sections
Luettge, Normen; Wolter, Martin
In: Konferenz: PESS 2021 - Power and Energy Student Summit, virtual, 25-26 November 2021, PESS 2021 - Power and Energy Student Summit/ Power and Energy Student Summit - Berlin: VDE VERLAG GMBH; Braun, Martin . - 2022, S. 110-114
An alternative method for dealing with saturation in high-frequency current transformers
Fritsch, Martin; Wolter, Martin
In: Konferenz: IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology, POWERCON, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 September 2022, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON) - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2022, insges. 5 S.
Application of graph theory for automatic restoration distribution networks
Kashtanov, Artem; Wolter, Martin; Glende, Eric
In: Konferenz: PESS 2021 - Power and Energy Student Summit, virtual, 25-26 November 2021, PESS 2021 - Power and Energy Student Summit/ Power and Energy Student Summit - Berlin: VDE VERLAG GMBH; Braun, Martin . - 2022, S. 64-68
Peer-reviewed journal article
A coupled transient gas flow calculation with a simultaneous calorific-value-gradient improved hydrogen tracking
Dancker, Jonte; Wolter, Martin
In: Applied energy - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 316 (2022), insges. 14 S.
High-frequency current transformer design and construction guide
Fritsch, Martin; Wolter, Martin
In: IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE, Bd. 71 (2022), insges. 9 S.
A joined quasi-steady-state power flow calculation for integrated energy systems
Dancker, Jonte; Wolter, Martin
In: IEEE access/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE, Bd. 10 (2022), S. 33586-33601
Modeling and simulation of power system dynamics for studying the impacts of increasing wind power in a weak grid system
Woldu, Tahaguas; Wolter, Martin; Bisogno, Fábio Ecke
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, 2023, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2022, 1 Online-Ressource (XVI, 142 Seiten, 6,77 MB) - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 94) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 128-133]
Virtuelle Kraftwerke im Verteilnetz - systemstützender Betrieb im wirtschaftlichen Kontext : eine gesamtheitliche Betrachtung Virtueller Kraftwerke
Richter, André; Wolter, Martin; Müsgens, Felix
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2023, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2022, 1 Online-Ressource (XVIII, 125 Seiten, 3,49 MB) - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 93) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 107-120]
Cost-optimized renewable energy integration roadmap for the Iranian power system
Gholizadeh, Mahmood; Wolter, Martin; Koch, Maik; Sadrieh, Abdolkarim
In: Magdeburg, 2022, XX, 135 Blätter, Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten, 31 cm
Sensitivity factors for integrated energy systems - a joined quasi-steady-state approach
Dancker, Jonte; Wolter, Martin
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, 2022, Online-Ressource (XXI, 172, lii Seiten, 7,59 MB), Diagramme - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 91)
Scientific monograph
Abschlussbericht zum Verbundprojekt InKoLa - Infrastrukturkopplung - Platzierung und Betrieb von Ladestationen aus Verkehrs- und Energienetzsicht
Lindemann, Andreas; Wolter, Martin; Rose, Georg; Vick, Ralf; Hauer, Ines; Tayyab, Muhammad; Helm, Sebastian; Heuer, Maik; Brinken, Julius; Müller, Marcel; Schmidtke, Niels; Hildebrand, Nicole; Wagener, Sven; Holzberger, Mathias
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2022, 1 Online-Ressource (156 Seiten, 8,22 MB) - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 87) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 108-110]
Book chapter
Measurable bandwidth of partial discharges on medium voltage cables
Fritsch, Martin; Wolter, Martin
In: 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2021
Potential analysis of EV and PHEV in Weak low-voltage grids
Helm, Sebastian; Tayyab, Muhammad; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin; Balischewski, Stephan; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw
In: NEIS 2021/ NEIS - Berlin: VDE Verlag; Schulz, Detlef *1967-* . - 2021, S. 69-73
Estimating Load Margins in Long-term Voltage Stability Anakysis
Ziegler, Christian; Woldu, Tahaguas; Wolter, Martin
In: NEIS 2021 / NEIS Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems , 2021 - Berlin : VDE Verlag ; Schulz, Detlef *1967-*, S. 142-147 [Teil von: Short Oral Presentation 1]
Integrated load and infeed forecast for the entire value chain in the electric energy market
Schröter, Tamara; Richter, André; Wolter, Martin; Gronau, J.; Naumann, André
In: 2020 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T & D)/ IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2021
Importance of TSO forecast in power system processes - challenges in load, generation, storage and sector coupling forecast
Richter, André; Schröter, Tamara; Wolter, Martin
In: ETG-Kongress 2021, das Gesamtsystem im Fokus der Energiewende/ ETG-Kongress - Berlin: VDE Verlag GMBH, 2021, Artikel 63, S. 402-407
Peer-reviewed journal article
Improved quasi-steady-state power flow calculation for district heating systems - a coupled Newton-Raphson approach
Dancker, Jonte; Wolter, Martin
In: Applied energy - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 295 (2021), insges. 15 S.
Sensitivity factors in electricity-heating integrated energy systems
Dancker, Jonte; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Energy - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 229 (2021), insges. 12 S.
Transmission model of partial discharges on medium voltage cables
Fritsch, Martin; Wolter, Martin
In: IEEE transactions on power delivery/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE . - 2021, insges. 10 S.
Nachbildung von Phasenschiebereffekten durch Stromquellen
Gebhardt, Marc; Wolter, Martin
In: Automatisierungstechnik - Berlin: De Gruyter, Bd. 69 (2021), 5, S. 409-416
Study of resonance issues between DFIG-based offshore wind farm and HVDC transmission
Zhang, Yonggang; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Electric power systems research - an international journal devoted to research and new applications in generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Volume 190 (2021), article 106767
Analysis and control of resonances in HVDC connected DFIG-based offshore wind farm
Zhang, Yonggang; Wolter, Martin; Rudion, Krzysztof
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2021, XV, 129 Seiten - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 84), ISBN: 978-3-948749-05-7 [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 114-122][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 114-122]
Book chapter
Power flow partitioning with power flow decomposition, full line decomposition and power flow coloring
Glende, Eric; Klabunde, Christian; Gebhardt, Marc; Wolter, Martin
In: 2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems: SGES 2020 : Perth, Australia, 23-26 November 2020 : proceedings/ International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE; Wen, Fushuan . - 2020
Impact of unbalanced electric vehicle charging on low-voltage grids
Helm, Sebastian; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin; Wenge, Christoph; Balischewski, Stephan; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw
In: Smart grids: key enablers of a green power system: 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe : Delft, the Netherlands, 26-28 October, 2020/ IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020
Optimal hybrid storage planning under different tariffs in a microgrid
Tayyab, Muhammad; Hauer, Ines; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Smart grids: key enablers of a green power system: 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe : Delft, the Netherlands, 26-28 October, 2020/ IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020
A new method for prediction of static and dynamic voltage collapse using node parameters in large power networks
Woldu, Tahaguas A.; Ziegler, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Konferenz: 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe, Delft, 26-28 October 2020, Smart grids: key enablers of a green power system/ IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020, 2022
Investigation and optimization of Pt/IrO2 catalyst for unitized regenerative PEM fuel cells
Kühne, Philipp; Wenske, Michael; Wolter, Martin; Baumann, Nils
In: 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)/ IEEE PES General Meeting - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020, insges. 5 S.
Decomposition of PST flows via extended power equation
Gebhardt, Marc; Wolter, Martin
In: 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe) - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, 2020 . - 2020[Konferenz: 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe, Delft, 26-28 October 2020]
Impact of different CO 2-pricing schemes on the profitability of Energy Hubs
Dancker, Jonte; Wolter, Martin
In: 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)/ IEEE PES General Meeting - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020, insges. 5 S.
Peer-reviewed journal article
Frequency-coupled impedance modelling and resonance analysis of DFIG-based offshore wind farm with HVDC connection
Zhang, Yonggang; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: IEEE access/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE, Bd. 8 (2020), S. 147880-147894
Substation related forecasts of electrical energy storage systems - transmission system operator requirements
Schröter, Tamara; Richter, André; Götze, Jens; Naumann, André; Gronau, Jenny; Wolter, Martin
In: Energies: open-access journal of related scientific research, technology development and studies in policy and management - Basel: MDPI, Volume 13(2020), issue 23, article 6207, 26 Seiten
Identifikation von HGÜ-Flüssen mit Hilfe der Power Flow Decomposition
Gebhardt, Marc; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Automatisierungstechnik: AT - Berlin: De Gruyter, Bd. 68 (2020), 9, S. 804-814
Multifunktionaler Einsatz von Batteriespeichern in elektrischen Verteilnetzen - optimale Auslegung und Betrieb
Balischewski, Stephan; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin; Westermann, Dirk
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2020, vi, 127 Seiten - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 79), ISBN: 978-3-944722-92-4 [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 102-112][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 102-112]
Article in conference proceedings
Study of resonance issues between DFIG-based offshore wind farm and HVDC transmission
Zhang, Yonggang; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: PSCC2020: Porto, Portugal, June 29 - July 3, 2020 - Lausanne: PSCC-central . - 2020, insges. 8 S.
Intelligentes Layout einer Umgebung eines wissenschaftlichen Kontrollzentrums zur Entwicklung zukünftiger Netz-Betriebskonzepte
Könneke, Nicola; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Schutz- und Leittechnik 2020 - Berlin - 2020, Poster P43, 1 Seite [Tagung: 11. ETG-FNN-Fachtagung "Schutz- und Leittechnik 2020", Berlin, 18. -19. Februar 2020]
Modellierung von Elektrofahrzeugen zur Potentialabschätzung für Netzservices
Helm, Sebastian; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin
In: 20. Dresdener Kreis Elektroenergieversorgung: 20 bis 21. März 2018 in Magdeburg - Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2020; Hofmann, Lutz . - 2020, S. 35-40
Book chapter
Harmonic filtering in DFIG-based offshore wind farm through resonance damping
Zhang, Yonggang; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: New businesses for energy transition: 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe : Bucharest, Romania, 29th of September-2nd of October 2019/ IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2019, insges. 5 S.
Transiente Stabilität für das Mehrmaschinenproblem - Stabilitätsbetrachtung mit dem Flächensatz
Ziegler, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: 19. Dresdener Kreis Elektroenergieversorgung- Magdeburg: Universita§˜tsbibliothek, 2019, S. 21-25 - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 75)[Tagung: 19. Dresdener Kreis Elektroenergieversorgung, Magdeburg, 20. - 21. März, 2018]
Stimulation of harmonic resonances in DFIG-based offshore wind farm with VSC-HVDC connection
Zhang, Yonggang; Wolter, Martin
In: 19. Dresdener Kreis Elektroenergieversorgung - 20 bis 21. März 2018 in Magdeburg: 20 bis 21. März 2018 in Magdeburg - Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek; Wolter, Martin . - 2019, S. 51-57 - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 75)
Harmonic resonance analysis for DFIG-based offshore wind farm with VSC-HVDC connection
Zhang, Yonggang; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech/ IEEE PowerTech - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2019
Sektorenkopplung im Niederspannungsnetz - der nächste Schritt für die Energiewende?
Könneke, Nicola; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2019: das Gesamtsystem im Fokus der Energiewende : 8.-9. Mai 2019, Stuttgart-Esslingen, Neckar-Forum/ Internationaler ETG-Kongress - Berlin: VDE Verlag GmbH; Rehtanz, Christian *1968-* . - 2019, S. 105-111
Optimized economical and technical sector coupling under consideration of defined incentives
Könneke, Nicola; Klabunde, Christian; Schröter, Tamara; Wolter, Martin; Roßberg, Jari; Tsotsas, Evangelos
In: 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution/ CIRED - [Liège, Belgium]: [CIRED], 2019, Paper No 566, insgesamt 5 Seiten
Optimal design and operation of a CHP based district heating system including a heat storage and electrode boiler to increase self-consumption
Dancker, Jonte; Götze, Jens; Schulz, Florian; Könneke, Nicola; Beyrau, Frank; Wolter, Martin
In: 2019 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Latin America): 15-18 September 2019, Wish Serrano Hotel, Gramado, RS, Brazil/ IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Latin America - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2019 . - 2019, S. 1-6
Flexible tariffs for optimal operation of storage in a microgrid
Tayyab, Muhammad; Hauer, Ines; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Power and Energy Student Summit 2019 - 9-11 July 2019, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg : conference programm - Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek; Wolter, Martin . - 2019, S. 201-206 - (Res Electricae Magdeburgenses. Magdeburger Forum zur Elektrotechnik; Band 77)
Optimal storage operation with flexible tariff under consideration of sector coupling and renewable energy sources in a new settlement area
Tayyab, Muhammad; Hauer, Ines; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2019 (IRES 2019) - Atlantis Press; Trimborn, Christoph . - 2019, S. 86-91 - (Atlantis highlights in engineering; Volume 4)
Modeling of synchronous generator with fast-response excitation system for studying power network transients
Woldu, Tahaguass Andemariam; Ziegler, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: NEIS 2019 : Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems Hamburg, 19-20 September 2019 / NEIS , 2019 - Berlin : VDE VERLAG GMBH , 2019, S. 37-43 [Konferenz: Conference on sustainable energy supply and energy storage systems, NEIS 2019, Hamburg, 19.09.2019 - 20.09.2019]
Peer-reviewed journal article
A general MILP based optimization framework to design Energy Hubs
Götze, Jens; Dancker, Jonte; Wolter, Martin
In: Automatisierungstechnik - Berlin: De Gruyter, Bd. 67 (2019), 11, S. 958-971
Unitäre Reversible PEM-Brennstoffzellen für die flexible Energiespeicherung - Projektvorstellung RE-FLEX
Kühne, Philipp; Wolter, Martin
In: gwf. Gas + Energie - Essen: Vulkan Verlag, 2016, Bd. 160.2019, 10, S. 70-74
19. Dresdener Kreis Elektroenergieversorgung - 20 bis 21. März 2018 in Magdeburg
Wolter, Martin; Schröter, Tamara
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 2019 - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 75) Kongress: Workshop Dresdener Kreis Elektroenergieversorgung 19 Magdeburg 2018.03.20-21[Literaturangaben]
Power and Energy Student Summit 2019 - 9-11 July 2019, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg : conference programm
Wolter, Martin; Helm, Sebastian; Dancker, Jonte; Fritsch, Martin; Schröter, Tamara
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Institut für Elektrische Energiesysteme, 2019, 1 Online-Ressource (XV, 224 Seiten, 0,04 MB) - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 77) Kongress: Power and Energy Student Summit Magdeburg 2019.07.09-11[Literaturangaben]
Scientific monograph
Intelligentes Multi-Energie-System (SmartMES) - Statusbericht der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg zum Verbundprojekt : 2. Statusseminar 04. April 2019 in Magdeburg
Wolter, Martin; Beyrau, Frank; Tsotsas, Evangelos; Klabunde, Christian; Dancker, Jonte; Könneke, Nicola; Schröter, Tamara; Schulz, Florian; Rossberg, Jari
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, 2019, VI, 81 Seiten, Diagramme, 21 cm - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 76)Kongress: Projekt SmartMES 2 (Magdeburg : 2019.04.04)
Book chapter
Optimal placement and operation strategies of phase shifting transformers based on heuristic algorithms
Gebhardt, Marc; Wolter, Martin
In: NEIS 2017 / NEIS Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems , 2017 - Berlin : VDE Verlag GMBH . - 2018, S. 302-306 [Konferenz: Conference on Substainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, NEIS 2017, Hamburg, 21 - 22 September 2017]
Optimal storage design and operation in a new settlement area under consideration of sector coupling and renewable energy generation
Tayyab, Muhammad; Hauer, Ines; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC): 4th-7th September 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom : proceedings - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE[Kongress: 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) , Glasgow, UK, 4-7 September 2018]
Increasing self-sufficiency in a micro grid - integrated vs. non-integrated energy system approach
Dancker, Jonte; Wolter, Martin; Rosberg, Jari; Tsotsas, Evangelos
In: 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC): 4th-7th September 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom : proceedings - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, insges. 6 S.[Kongress: 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) , Glasgow, UK, 4-7 September 2018]
Communication infrastructure for dynamic grid control center with a hardware-in-the-loop model
Glende, Eric; Trojan, Przemysław; Hauer, Ines; Naumann, André; Brosinsky, Christoph; Wolter, Martin; Westermann, Dirk
In: Konferenz: 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 21-25 October 2018, 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe)/ IEEE PES ISGT Europe - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2018, insges. 6 S.
Intelligent decentralized approach for reactive power compensation by VSC converter
Helm, Sebastian; Otto, Eric Glende; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin
In: 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC): 4th-7th September 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom : proceedings - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, insges. 6 S.[Kongress: 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) , Glasgow, UK, 4-7 September 2018]
Optimized operation of energy storages for primary control reserve
Balischewski, Stephan; Wenge, Christoph; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw; Wolter, Martin
In: Konferenz: Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, NEIS 2018: Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, Hamburg, 20-21 September 2018, Hamburg, September 20. - 21., 2018; Teil von: Poster Presentations Session 1, NEIS 2018: Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, Hamburg, 20-21 September 2018/ NEIS - Berlin: VDE Verlag; Schulz, Detlef *1967-* . - 2019, S. 202-207
Optimal operational management methods of voltage control with a high feed of renewable energy sources
Glende, Eric; Wolter, Martin; Arendarski, Bartlomiej; Lombardi, Pio; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw
In: 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON): 3-7 June 2018 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, insges. 6 S.[Konferenz: 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON, Limassol, Cyprus, 3-7-June 2018]
Sektorenkopplung - eine echte Alternative im Verteilnetz?
Könneke, Nicola; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Konvergente Infrastrukturen: 19. Forschungskolloquium am Fraunhofer IFF/ Forschungskolloquium am Fraunhofer IFF - Magdeburg; Schenk, Michael *1953-* . - 2018, S. 27-36
Battery storage services that minimize wind farm operating costs - a case study
Balischewski, Stephan; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin; Wenge, Christoph; Lombardi, Pio; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw
In: 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe): Torino, Italy, 26-29 September 2017 : conference proceedings/ IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017 . - 2018, insges. 6 S.[Konferenz: 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), Torino, Italy, 26-29 September 2017]
Technical integration of virtual power plants enhanced by energy storages into German system operation with regard to following the schedule in intra-day
Ziegler, Christian; Richter, Andre; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin
In: 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC): 4th-7th September 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom : proceedings - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE[Kongress: 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) , Glasgow, UK, 4-7 September 2018]
Experimentelle Charakterisierung einer reversiblen PEM-Brennstoff-zelle als flexibles Energiespeichersystem
Kühne, Philipp; Wenske, Michael; Heuer, Maik; Wolter, Martin
In: Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik 2018 - Stralsund: HOST - Hochschule Stralsund, 2018; Luschtinetz, Thomas . - 2018, S. 85-101[Konferenz: 25. Symposium Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik 2018, Stralsund, 7. - 10. October 2018]
Combined thermo-electrical simulation model for large-scale battery electrical storage systems
Dancker, Jonte; Balischewski, Stephan; Wolter, Martin
In: 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC): 4th-7th September 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom : proceedings/ International Universities Power Engineering Conference - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, 2018 . - 2018, insges. 6 S.[Kongress: 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) , Glasgow, UK, 4-7 September 2018]
Development of methods for an optimized infeed forecast of renewable energies
Schröter, Tamara; Richter, André; Wolter, Martin
In: 2018 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS): June 24-28, 2018, Boise, Idaho, USA : conference proceedings - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE[Konferenz: 2018 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS, Boise, Idaho, USA, June 24-28, 2018]
Under-frequency load shedding in the European interconnection system - a multi-country model for UFLS analyzation under the impact of renewables
Richter, André; Wolter, Martin
In: 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON): 3-7 June 2018 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, insges. 6 S.[Konferenz: 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON, Limassol, Cyprus, 3-7-June 2018]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Algorithms for technical integration of virtual power plants into german system operation
Richter, Andre; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin
In: Advances in science, technology and engineering systems journal: (ASTESJ) - Walnut CA, United States: ASTES Publishers, Bd. 3.2018, 1, S. 135-147
Agent-based provision of system services
Trojan, Przemysław; Wolter, Martin
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2018, XVI, 147 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 136-144][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 136-144]
Intelligentes Multi-Energie-System (SmartMES) - Statusbericht der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg zum Verbundprojekt ; 1. Statusseminar 28. März 2018 in Magdeburg
Wolter, Martin; Beyrau, Frank; Tsotsas, Evangelos; Klabunde, Christian; Dancker, Jonte; Könneke, Nicola; Schröter, Tamara; Schulz, Florian; Rossberg, Jari; Richter, André
In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, 2018, XII, 159 Seiten, Illustrationen, Diagramme, 21 cm - (Res electricae Magdeburgenses; Band 74)Kongress: Statusseminar 1 (Magdeburg : 2018.03.28)
Article in conference proceedings
Security-constrained optimization of power plant dispatch in interconnected networks with several market areas and price zones
Könneke, Nicola; Richter, André; Wolter, Martin
In: Proceedings of the VDE/IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit 2018: 2th-4th July 2018, University of Kaiserslautern/ Power and Energy Student Summit - Kaiserslautern: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern; Wellßow, Wolfram . - 2018, S. 77-82
Book chapter
Control strategies for a fully RES based power system
Westermann, Dirk; Wolter, Martin; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw; Schlegel, Steffen; Schwerdfeger, Robert; Richter, André; Arendarski, Bartlomiej
In: International ETG Congress 2017 , 2017 - Berlin : VDE Verlag ; Speh, Rainer, S. 25-30
Unitized reversible PEM fuel cells for flexible electrical energy storage
Kühne, Philipp; Wenske, Michael; Heuer, Maik; Wolter, Martin
In: International ETG Congress 2017: die Energiewende : blueprints for the new energy age : proceedings : November 28-29, 2017, World Conference Center, Bonn/ ETG Congress - Berlin: VDE Verlag, 2017; Speh, Rainer . - 2017, S. 269-374 - (ETG-Fachbericht; 155)[Kongress: International ETG Congress 2017, Bonn, November 28 - 29, 2017]
Renewable energy forecasting optimization for system operator and trader
Richter, André; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin; Gronau, Jenny
In: 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting: 16-20 July 2017 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, insges. 5 S.[Konferenz: IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 16-20 July 2017]
Redispatch with power flow decomposition and power transfer distribution factors methods
Chychykina, Iryna; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: 2016 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC): 6-9 September 2016, Coimbra, Portugal : proceedings/ International Universities Power Engineering Conference - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, 2017; International Universities Power Engineering Conference (51.:2016) . - 2017, insges. 6 S.[Konferenz: 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC, Coimbra, Portugal, 6-9 September 2016]
Agent-based power system management - concept of congestion management
Trojan, Przemyslaw; Wolter, Martin; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw
In: Proceedings of the 2017 18th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE) : May 17-19, 2017, Hotel Dlouhé Stráně, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE [Konferenz: 18th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE), Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, May 17-19, 2017]
Technical integration of virtual power plants into German system operation
Richter, Andre; Moskalenko, Natalia; Hauer, Ines; Schröter, Tamara; Wolter, Martin
In: 2017 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) : 6-9 June 2017, Dresden, Germany - [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE, insges. 6 S. [Konferenz: 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2017, Dresden, Germany, 6-9 June 2017]
Comparison of different redispatch optimization strategies
Chychykina, Iryna; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: 2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech: 18-22 June 2017/ IEEE PES PowerTech Conference - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, 2017; IEEE PES PowerTech Conference (12.:2017) . - 2017[Kongress: 2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, Manchester, 18 - 22 June, 2017]
Article in conference proceedings
Impact of DFIG-based wind generator on dynamic behavior of power systems during over-frequency events
Zhang, Yonggang; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
In: Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS) 2017 - Nürnberg . - 2017, insges. 5 S.
Referenzarchitektur für die Integration von Energiespeichern in den Energiemarkt
Klabunde, Christian; Moskalenko, Natalia; Richter, Andre; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin
In: Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien : 4. OTTI-Konferenz : 31. Januar/01. Februar 2017, Steigenberger Hotel am Kanzleramt, Berlin - Regensburg : OTTI, insges. 6 S. [Konferenz: 4. OTTI-Konferenz, Berlin, 31. Januar/01. Februar, 2017]
Das Virtuelle Kraftwerk als gewinnorientierter Akteur mit verteilnetzunterstützendem Potential
Richter, Andre; Ziegler, Christian; Moskalenko, Natalia; Wolter, Martin
In: Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien : 4. OTTI-Konferenz : 31. Januar/01. Februar 2017, Steigenberger Hotel am Kanzleramt, Berlin - Regensburg : OTTI, insges. 6 S. [Konferenz: 4. OTTI-Konferenz, Berlin, 31. Januar/01. Februar 2017]
Umsetzung eines Echtzeitüberwachungs- und -steuerungssystems im 110-kV-Verteilungsnetz
Trojan, Przemyslaw; Richter, Marc; Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw; Naumann, André
In: Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien: 4. OTTI-Konferenz : 31. Januar/01. Februar 2017, Steigenberger Hotel am Kanzleramt, Berlin - Regensburg: OTTI, insges. 1 S.[Konferenz: 4. OTTI-Konferenz, Berlin, 31. Januar/01. Februar 2017]
Book chapter
Agent-based power system management - concept of grid restoration
Trojan, Przemyslaw; Wolter, Martin
In: Electrical Power Networks: EPNet 2016 : scientific-technical conference : September 19-21, 2016, Szklarska Poręba, Poland : proceedings/ Electrical Power Networks - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, 2016 . - 2016[Konferenz: 2016 Electric Power Networks (EPNet), Szklarska Poręba, Poland, September 19-21, 2016]
Practical experiences on PMU-based linear state estimation in distribution grids
Richter, Marc; Wolter, Martin; Naumann, André; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw
In: 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM): 17-21 July 2016/ IEEE Power and Energy Society - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, 2016 . - 2016[Kongress: 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Boston, 17 - 21 July, 2016]
Agent-based power system management - concept of voltage control
Trojan, Przemyslaw; Wolter, Martin
In: VDE-Kongress 2016: Internet der Dinge : Technologien, Anwendungen, Perspektiven : 07./08.11.2016, Congress Center Mannheim : Kongressbeiträge/ VDE-Kongress - Berlin: VDE Verlag, 2016 . - 2016, insges. 5 S.[Kongress: VDE-Kongress 2016, Mannheim, 07.-08.11.2016]
Book chapter
Investigation of a new average value based load shedding concept to secure critical infrastructures in case of emergency
Richter, André; Hauer, Ines; Styczynski, Zbigniew Antoni; Wolter, Martin
In: International Conference on Problems of Critical Infrastructures integrating 6th Conference of International Institute for Critical Infrastructures with 6th International Conference on Liberalization and Modernization of Power Systems: Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 25-27, 2015 - IEEE PES, S. 41-48[Kongress: 6th International Conference on Liberalization and Modernization of Power Systems, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 25-27, 2015]
Online dynamic security assessment system for power system monitoring and control
Chychykina, Iryna; Wolter, Martin; Styczynski, Zbigniew A.; Heyde, Chris; Krebs, Rainer
In: International Conference on Problems of Critical Infrastructures integrating 6th Conference of International Institute for Critical Infrastructures with 6th International Conference on Liberalization and Modernization of Power Systems: Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 25-27, 2015 / ed. by Zbigniew Antoni Styczynski ...: Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 25-27, 2015 - IEEE PES, 2015; Styczynski, Zbigniew Antoni . - 2015, S. 7-15
Transformer suitability for a successful load shedding in the TSO control area
Richter, André; Hauer, Ines; Styczynski, Zbigniew Antoni; Wolter, Martin
In: International ETG Congress 2015: die Energiewende ; blueprints for the new energy age ; proceedings ; November 17 - 18, 2015, World Conference Center, Bonn - Berlin [u.a.]: VDE Verlag[Kongress: International ETG Congress 2015, November 17 - 18, 2015, Bonn]
Peer-reviewed journal article
A probabilistic load shedding concept considering highly volatile local generation
Hauer, Ines; Wolter, Martin; Stötzer, Martin; Richter, Marc; Styczynski, Zbigniew Antoni
In: International journal of electrical power & energy systems - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 67.2015, S. 478-487
Other materials
Agent based Energy Management Systems
Wolter, Martin
In: 2012,
Peer-reviewed journal article
Agentenbasiertes Energiemanagement zur Spannungshaltung in Verteilnetzen
Wolter, Martin; Hofmann, Lutz
In: Automatisierungstechnik: AT - Berlin: De Gruyter, 1985, Bd. 59.2011, 3, S. 161-166
Article in conference proceedings
General estimation of the impact of additional DG sources on distribution grids
Wolter, M.; Hofmann, L.
In: 2011, S. 1-5, 10.1109/PES.2011.6039522
General estimation of reactive power control of DG sources on voltages in distribution grids
Wolter, M.; Hofmann, L.
In: 2011, S. 1-6, 10.1109/EnergyTech.2011.5948538
Book chapter
Allocation of responsibility for congestions in transmission systems based on power flow decomposition
Wolter, Martin; Hofmann, L.
In: Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems : November 24 - 26, 2010, Phuket, Thailand - ACTA Press , 2010 - 2010, Beitrag 701-088, S. 224-227
Scientific analysis of inter-tso-compensation-algorithms by physically-based power flow and superposition methods
Leveringhaus, T.; Wolter, Martin; Hofmann, L.
In: Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems : November 24 - 26, 2010, Phuket, Thailand - ACTA Press , 2010 - 2010, Beitrag 701-089, S. 274-281
Influence of inverter dominated small energy producers on the voltage stability of distribution grids in steady state
Brenner, Stefan; Wolter, Martin; Hofmann, Lutz
In: Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems : November 24 - 26, 2010, Phuket, Thailand - ACTA Press , 2010 - 2010, Beitrag 701-080, S. 16-20
Article in conference proceedings
Multi-agent based distributed power flow calculation
Wolter, M; Guercke, H; Isermann, T; Hofmann, L
In: 2010, S. 1-6, 10.1109/PES.2010.5589910
Book chapter
Technical sound calculation of the power transmission and dissipation matrix for the purpose of cross-border power flow identification
Wolter, Martin; Mohrmann, M.
In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Identification, MSI 2009 - IASTED . - 2009
A new approach on the application of substation transformers as measuring transformers for grid state identification in terms of energy management systems
Mohrmann, M.; Wolter, Martin
In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Identification, MSI 2009 - IASTED . - 2009
Article in conference proceedings
About the impact of burdening and relieving partial power flows caused by loop flows in interconnected networks on ITC amount
Wolter, M.
In: 2009, S. 1-8, 10.1109/PES.2009.5275772
Application of adaptive agents in decentralized energy management systems for the purpose of voltage stability in distribution grids
Wolter, Martin; Brenner, Stefan; Isermann, Timo; Hofmann, Lutz
In: 2009, S. 1-5, 10.1109/NAPS.2009.5484076
Grid reduction approach for state identification of distribution grids
Wolter, M.
In: 2009, S. 1-8, 10.1109/PES.2009.5275959
Book chapter
A new approach on state identification of underdeterminded MV grids based on grid reduction
Wolter, Martin
In: 4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems: AsiaPES 2008 ; April 2 - 4, 2008, Langkawi, Malaysia / International Association of Science and Technology for Development, [Technical Committee on Power and Energy Systems. Ed.: K. M. Nor]: AsiaPES 2008 ; April 2 - 4, 2008, Langkawi, Malaysia - Red Hook, NY: Curran . - 2008, S. 143-147
Article in conference proceedings
Identification of cross-border power flows in integrated networks based on the principle of superposition
Wolter, Martin; Huhnerbein, Benjamin
In: 2008, S. 1666-1671, 10.1109/PECON.2008.4762746
Congestion management and determination of optimal grid expansion and retreat strategies using a modified boundary load flow method
Wolter, M.; Oswald, B. R.
In: 2008, S. 1-6, 10.1109/NAPS.2008.5307378
Book chapter
Load type mixture extraction from measured time series of hand-over point active power
Wolter, Martin
In: Proceedings of the Seventh IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems: August 29 - 31, 2007, Palma de Mallorca / [sponsors: The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Technical Committee on Energy and Power Systems ...]. Ed.: J. Milanovic: August 29 - 31, 2007, Palma de Mallorca - Anaheim, Calif. [u.a.]: Acta Press . - 2007, S. 244-246
Cost-effective grid state identification of mean voltage grids by using sensitivity analysis
Wolter, Martin
In: Proceedings of the Seventh IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems: August 29 - 31, 2007, Palma de Mallorca / [sponsors: The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Technical Committee on Energy and Power Systems ...]. Ed.: J. Milanovic: August 29 - 31, 2007, Palma de Mallorca - Anaheim, Calif. [u.a.]: Acta Press . - 2007, S. 217-221