Research trip to Santa Maria and Porto Alegre - Brazil

08.04.2024 -  

From April 15 to 18, 2024, LENA employees visited the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) in Santa Maria and on April 19 the Unisinos University in Porto Alegre in southern Brazil. The visit took place as part of the DAAD/CAPES-funded research project PROBRAL. A diverse program was on the agenda during the visit. After getting to know the Brazilian colleagues for the first time, a kick-off meeting was held at which the procedure and possible solutions for transatlantic co-simulations were presented and discussed. Further specialist presentations were then held over the next few days. We also had the opportunity to visit the numerous laboratories of the Department of Electrical Engineering. Here we were able to gain insights into various current research projects and engage in a lively scientific exchange. Another highlight of the week was a barbecue evening, which was very warmly organized by our Brazilian colleagues. Professor Wolter also took this opportunity to introduce the LENA Chair to the local students. For this purpose, a presentation was given to students, who participated with interested questions about the possibilities of an exchange to Germany.

There was also a presentation of the IEEE Studentbranch, where Eric Glende presented the activities of the University of Magdeburg in cooperation with the Studentbranch and promoted joint activities and projects.




On April 19, the Unisinos University in Porto Alegre was visited. A presentation of the university and the many start-ups took place here. One highlight was the insight into the well-equipped clean room laboratories, which are used by the start-ups and employees.


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Overall, the visit was rated as a very successful event by all participants. There was a lively scientific exchange, new contacts were made and future collaborations were initiated. In addition, new impressions of the culture, the local and very tasty cuisine and the landscape were gained.

Ahead of the university visit, the employees also took the opportunity to visit the nearby Itaipú hydroelectric power plant. In terms of installed capacity, the power plant is the third largest hydropower plant in the world and offers an impressive insight into the possibilities of hydropower utilization.


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