
Dresdener Kreis 2022 in Magdeburg

16.03.2022 -

On March 15th and 16th, the Dresdener Kreis 2022 took place at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg. Traditionally, research groups from the universities of Hanover, Duisburg-Essen, Dresden and Magdeburg meet for a conference on these days.

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Publication of experiences from the MATLAB Speaker Session at LENA

04.03.2022 -

After the MATLAB Speaker Series, an article about the experience was shared online. It shows the extent to which MATLAB is used in the control center.

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Verteidigung der Doktorarbeit von M.Sc. Mahmood Gholizadeh

11.02.2022 -

On February 11th, 2022 M.Sc. Mahmood Gholizadeh defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Cost-optimized renewable energy integration roadmap for the Iranian power system". After the presentation of his findings from the work, the discussion round and the announcement of the grade, the move was carried out in the old tradition to the Otto von Guericke monument.

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Jahresbericht 2021 as download available

01.01.2022 -

The annual report of the Institute of Electric Power Systems is now available for download.

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Herbstuni at LENA und LEA

28.10.2021 -

On October 28th students of the 11th and 12th grade visited the IESY as part of the autumn university. Together with the Chair of Electric Drive Systems, LENA gave a small insight into the subject area of electrical energy systems.


Using the multi-energy system demonstrator, Mr. Marc Gebhardt and Mr. Jonte Dancker showed the challenges of today's energy system. The students were able to see the effects of an increasing number of renewable energies on the power grid and how grid operators keep the power grid stable today. Using the demonstrator, the students also got an insight into possible solutions, their advantages but also their limitations. 


During the event, Mr. Marc Gebhardt and Mr. Jonte Dancker also gave a small insight into the variety of research possibilities and research questions in the field of electrical energy systems and electrical grids and their intersections with other research areas.






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Last Modification: 22.06.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster