
Members of LENA as speakers at MATLAB Energy Speaker Series

04.10.2021 -

At Novmeber 10th 2021, Prof. Wolter and M.Sc. Glende will be speakers at MATLAB Energy Speaker Series in the module "Transmission System Operations - Improving System Performance and Reliability".


More information and registration can be found here.

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First meeting of IDiNA


Vom 20.-22.07. fand in Wunsiedel das erste Projekttreffen des in diesem Jahr begonnenen Projektes "IDiNA -Intelligente Digitalisierung der Energieversorgung zur Optimie-rung des Netzbetriebs und zur Erhöhung der Akzeptanz" statt.

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Promotion of M.Sc. Yonggang Zhang

26.05.2021 -

On Wednesday, May 26th, 2021, Yonggang Zhang defended his dissertation on "Analysis and Control of Resonances in HVDC Connected DFIG-based Offshore Wind Farm".

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Exkursion nach Wien

09.12.2019 -

From 02. to 06. December 2019 an excursion from the LENA chair took place.

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LENA auf der ISGT Europe 2019

04.10.2019 -

The 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe) was held at University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania from September 29 to October 2, 2019. The ISGT Europe conference is one of the two IEEE PES flagship conferences organized in Europe and has established a strong reputation over the last years. It focuses on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications for the wide use of information and communication technologies and integrated renewable and distributed energy resources on the electric grid. The theme of this year’s conference is “New Businesses for Energy Transition”.
The Chair Electric Power Networks and Renewable Energy Sources (LENA) was represented by M.Sc Yonggang Zhang with the presentation “Harmonic Filtering in DFIG-based Offshore Wind Farm through Resonance Damping". In this paper, resonance analysis was conducted to a large-scale offshore wind farm and a medium-voltage level active damper was developed to adaptively mitigate the identified high-frequency resonances in the investigated system.


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