
Zukunftstag 2018

30.04.2018 -

On April 26, 2018, the "Zukunftstag" took place throughout Germany. This day serves as a vocational and study orientation. Thus the students were shown the diverse future and career opportunities at a university.

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SmartMES Statusmeeting

29.03.2018 -

As a closing of the first project year of SmartMES a Statusmeeting was held at the Lukasklause on 28 March. At the meeting the Statusband was presented, which summarizes the project results.

In front of invited guest of the regional politics, the associated project partners and staff and students from the university the project team consisting of staff from the LENA, IVT and LTT presented the results. In several presentations the project team showed selected topics of the project, whereas Prof. Wolter moderated the meeting throughout the day. Mr. Jonte Dancker presented the modelling of the electricity, gas and heat grid, while Mr. Jari Roßberg and Dr.-Ing Florian Schulz explained the chosen approach to model the coupling technologies Power-to-Gas and Power-to-Heat. Furthermore, Ms. Tamara Schröter gave a detailed insight into the developed scenarios by which the project team wants to show the technical potential of the multi-energy system in further investigations. Besides that basic research, Mr. Christian Klabunde presented a coupling of the electricity and gas grid and was able to show the technical potential and limitations of a H2-feed-in. Since not only a technical discussion is necessary Ms. Nicola Gast got into detail with the economic part. She presented the regulations and showed the economic potential of a multi-energy systems using an example case. In addition to the presentations of the project team Dr.-Ing. Pio Lombardi presented a current sector coupling project of the Fraunhofer IFF. A long with the presentations questions of the guests were discussed and suggestions were picked up and will be included in the further work. The meeting ended with lunch and ongoing discussions in smaller groups in relaxed atmosphere.

The project team would like to thank all guests for the vivid discussion and suggestions and is looking forward to the next Statusmeeting in 2019.

The current processing status and the results can be found in the Statusband which is available at the LENA at Ms. Baumgarten.


Project-team members

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Dresdener Kreis 2018 in Magdeburg

23.03.2018 -

This year, the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg hosted the annual meeting of the "Dresdener Kreis" which took place from 20th to 21st March. In addition to the researchers from the chair of LENA colleagues from Hanover, Dresden and Duisburg participated in this event.

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IEEE Germany Student Conference in Magdeburg

09.03.2018 -

The IEEE Student Conference is a free of charge event by students for students and now takes place for the 8th time. The IEEE Student branch Magdeburg is pleased to organize the international event from 25. to 26.10.2018 in Magdeburg.

The 8. International IEEE Germany Student Conference offers the possibility for students in the field of electrical engineering and information technology as well as computer science to present scientific results of their bachelor/master thesis or any other research project in a professional environment.

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Opening of the control room

09.01.2018 -

At the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, one of the most modern control rooms for monitoring and controlling the entire European energy network was put into operation. The control center, which is equipped with a 5 x 1.5 meter projection screen, was set up in a laboratory of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and enables a precise replication of the real European energy network. It can detect and localize faults and accidents within seconds, as well as control demands and different feed-in of regenerative energies.

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